“Tailored solutions for every challenge”
Consulting services
Our management consulting services focus on our clients’ most critical issues and opportunities. By looking more deeply into your business, radices consulting helps bring bold strategies to life in unexpected ways.
Our industry experts work with you to define your requirements and create the strategy that will achieve your organization’s most ambitious goals. No matter how complex your business questions, we have the capabilities and experience to deliver the answers you need to move forward.
About us
Our journey began in 2016 when we decided to provide business Europe wide an alternative to Brussels-based consulting. As a young company we propose an innovative approach to problem solving, which includes from travelling to meeting the client in person to a highly comprehensive team of professionals from different filds.
Achievements with the initial approach together with positive results fostered our undergoing expansion.
Our vision is based on a 360 approach to problem solving, offering services on the spot by a wide range of experts in their respective areas. In recent years we have witnessed an over- specialisation of the services market; while this situation presents some benefitis it also led to institutions requiring serveral companies to tackle a single issue. Moreover pre-design protocols were put into place so clients solutions were creted in a chain manufacturing style offen overlloking specific circumstances. Radices was born as a response to an increasing dislike of that situatuion. Like most innovations we simply rescued transformed it with cutting-edge tehnology.
Our teams are created ad hoc for every project taking into consideartions the needs of the clients and the circumstances surrouding the task at ahand. Once assembled those teams travelled to the epicentre of the matter, that being either the client geadquarters of the project loaction, and start designing a truly comprehensive solution.
As a company committed to youth empowerment we do not only engage young professional we are also involved in giving young enterpreneurs an opportunity to succeed as well as a network of peers in similar situation. It is our strong belief that youngsters have a responsibility to lift each other up, easing their way intro a business world that is not especially welcoming for the youth.